The Village of Russia will be accepting sealed bids until January 23rd at 12:00PM on the old playground equipment. Any bids turned in after the deadline will not be accepted. The equipment will be sold as is and will need to be picked up before January 30th if you are the winning bidder. All bids must be in a sealed envelope and mailed to dropped off at the village office, 232 West Main Street before the deadline, and bids must include name, telephone number, and the amount you wish to bid. Envelopes should read, Village of Russia Playground Bid PO Box 305 Russia, Ohio 45363. Inspection of the equipment may be made by contacting Adam Barga at 937-526-4436. If you have any questions regarding the equipment, please email the Village Administrator
The equipment is as follows:
- Caterpillar
- Pony
- Elephant
- Slide
- Glider #1
- Swing set with chain swings
- Glider #2
- 18’X24′ Sandbox–Does not include sand or diggers
- Digger #1
- Digger#2