Due to the Labor Day Holiday, trash and recycling will be picked up on Saturday, September 10.
The water tower project has now been completed, and normal water consumption can be resumed. Thank you for your cooperation over the past several weeks.
There has been a delay in the painting of the water tower due to a back order of the paint. The paint is scheduled to arrive Monday, 8/22/22. If it arrives as scheduled, the project should be completed by Friday, 8/26/22. Thank you for conserving water during this time.
The Village will be spraying for mosquitos this evening (August 9th) at 9:30 p.m.
The Village will be having water tower maintenance beginning August 6, 2022. This will entail painting both the inside and outside of the tower. The tower will have to be drained to do this, and water will be supplied from a 10,000 gallon storage tank. We ask that residents conserve water for approximately 2 weeks…
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING VILLAGE OF RUSSIA SHELBY COUNTY, OHIO The Russia Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public meeting on Wednesday April, 13 at 6:30 PM at the Village Office, 232 West Main St. The purpose of the meeting is to review an application for variance filed by Dan Knight, 113 Voisard St….
Mayor Daugherty Orders Flags Lowered in Honor of WWII Vet Charles Grogean In honor of the life and service of the last World War II veteran in the community who would have turned 97 on Christmas Day. Mayor Terence Daugherty has ordered the that the flags of the United States of America be flown at…
We have scheduled the village clean up day on Saturday May 15,2020. This service is located at the Village Park behind the school and is for Village residents only. The trash day is from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM they will accept household garbage and waste, large item trash and junk. They will not accept…

The Village of Russia is selling their 2020 Exmark Red Equipped lawnmower, the mower has approximately 255 hours with a 72” cutting width. Sealed bids will be accepted until March 2nd at 10 AM. At which time the bids will be opened. All bids must be in a sealed envelope and dropped off in the…
The 2020 Census is now complete. I wish to congratulate the residents of Russia OH on an outstanding job with the self response rate in completing the questionnaire. Russia ended up with an 87.1% self response rate. That percentage puts us 14th of all 928 cities and villages in the State of Ohio and 178th out…