Village of Russia Légion d'honneur

Russia Village Flag_edit

The Village of Russia Légion d'honneur program is to recognize and honor those persons, living or deceased, who through their character, contributions, and achievements, bestow upon the Russia community and Russia Local School a positive image, so that present-day students and community members can connect with the past and emulate these hallowed and virtuous persons in the future. The Légion d'honneur program will reinforce merit-based distinction and strive to foster an increased sense of pride among students, faculty, administration, alumni and community members.

Nominations are accepted beginning in May of each year.  Completed nominations must be postmarked or dropped off at the school office by August 15th for consideration for the following year.  Committee review and selection begins in the fall with the induction ceremony to be held in early spring. 

This civic merit program is being funded by the Russia Wellness Foundation.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any Légion d'honneur committee member or Levi Francis at  

2024 Village of Russia Légion d'Honneur Honorees

Leo Francis

Leo Francis

Clair C. Naveau

Clair C Naveau

Delbert Francis

Delbert "Doc" Francis, Jr.

Francis Manufacturing Company, Co-Founder


Francis Products, Founder

(sold to Clopay Corporation)


WWII Veteran

United States Marine Corps – 1941-1945

Battle of Guam – Purple Heart


Catholic War Veterans Post 661, Charter Member

Knights of Columbus, 1954 Charter Member


First Mayor of Russia, 1969-1994

Russia Fire Department Volunteer, Charter Member


Provided first contribution to establish Russia Park


Leader in incorporating Russia with

the State of Ohio in 1967


Instrumental in paving Borchers St. & Voisard St.


Superintendent, Russia Local School 1950-1984


Principal, Athletic Director 1950-1977


Led three school building projects


Led effort to save school from consolidation 


Established Russia Local School Band


Encouraged students to pursue higher education


Philanthropic Contributions

Clair and Jeanne Naveau Family Scholarship




Francis Schulze Company, Co-owner & President


United States Army 1951 – 1954


St. Remy Parish Council & Russia Civic Assoc.

Catholic War Veterans & American Legion

Knights of Columbus

Shelby County AAA Motor Club Board Member

USPS Rural Mail Carrier (1953-1979)


Philanthropic Contributions:


Doc & Hilda Francis Family Fndn. & Scholarship Fund

Russia Activity Center – Diamond Sponsor

Russia Village Park, Pavilion & Splash Pad

Wilson Memorial Hospital Fndn. & Hospice Care

Spiritual Center of Maria Stein Retreat House

Russia Wellness Foundation

St. Remy Parish and Community Center

Russia Local School

Softball, Baseball & Running Track Facilities

To view past Légion d’Honneur Inductees, please click here

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Village of Russia Légion d'Honneur Committee Members


Name Designation Email
Steve Rose Russia Local School Superintendent
Mary Jo High Russia Village Council President
Chelsea Hoying Russia Board of Education President
Andrea Borchers Russia Wellness Foundation President
Aaron Schmitmeyer St. Remy Pastoral Council President
Marilyn Sherman Russia Community Member
Barb Cordonnier Russia Community Member