Message From the Mayor on COVID-19

March 19, 2020 Admin

To the Russia Residents and those who work or are traveling in the Community,

The COVID-19 virus is here, (first confirmed case in Darke County) we The Village of Russia are taking steps to limit its impact to our employees and the public. We will get through this difficult time, but during this time we find it necessary to make a few changes:

  • If we can limit the community spread of the virus it will let us save the resources for those in need.
  • If you are sick and in-need of any grocery items, household items, stay home, let someone else do your shopping. There are people here to help. If you need help, let the Village Office know and we will try to find help for you.
  • Don’t buy an overabundance of food, medicine, or supplies. Buy what you need. This directly will affect those who may not have enough. This adds to the panic that is already starting to happen.
  • If you are healthy and willing to do the shopping for someone else, let the Village Office know by email at
  • If the need arises and you call 911, make sure to let the dispatcher know if you have any flu like symptoms, this will help the first responders prepare and limit the face to face contact with them. They will respond in the same manner they always have, they just may limit the number of first responders that will have direct contact with the patient.
  • Keep your children at home, I know it is hard for healthy kids to not want to be with their friends with a pickup game of basketball, baseball, or just to hang out. These are difficult times and if we as parents express this to our children they will understand.
  • Help support the local bars and restaurants, if you can afford it maybe once a week or more try to order from a local restaurant. I am sure they will greatly appreciate it.

In short, we are going through a very difficult time, with the right attitude by all we will limit the negative impact that the virus is causing.

Stay Healthy my friends,

Terence Daugherty, Mayor